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Hear from Prior Attendees

I want to thank you for allowing me to be included in the conference. I attended all the sessions and found them very interesting, especially seeing the intersection of the litigation with what goes on many years later within the trusts.

Thank you for a wonderful Summit. I learned a great deal, and made many new friendships! Really an enjoyable event and experience, and so very well done.

Program was exceptional.

Game changing conference! It was substantive the best I have experienced in the MDL arena. Your excellence continues!

Great success.

Thank you for the invite to the wonderful conference. Hats off to you on planning such an interesting, informative few days!

I’ll look forward to attending and continuing my education on MDL. To say that you’ve got an impressive group is a considerable understatement.

This is going to be an amazing conference. Really unprecedented to bring this many of the experts in the field together. I am honored to be in attendance.

Absolutely outstanding agenda and speakers, I can’t imagine the amount of time and energy that went in to putting this all in place.

Terrific event! It was a fabulous experience in every way.

I was thrilled to be included and was looking forward to this more than any other commitments I have this year.

This is by far the best conference!!! The opportunities for networking are amazing. I love the fact that it is a limited number of people.

Outstanding program. You all thought of everything and the accolades you consistently received were well deserved. It was an honor to be invited to participate.

Hope you got home and had time to reflect on the amazing conference and to bask in the glory of the huge and incomparable success. All of the other similar conferences pale in comparison. You really created a wholly unique setting. I’m very proud and honored to have been part of this inaugural event. You’ve created quite an extraordinary event .

You created an environment in which lawyers and judges over a two-day period felt they could converse freely, which is really extraordinary and likely never before done. Please know that I think you did an outstanding job putting this conference on. It was remarkable and so well-executed. Everyone there knew they were attending a special conference. Kudos and congratulations to you. Thank you for having me here, and for hosting us all.

Excellent event.

The agenda looks great.

Such a well devleoped program with excellent speakers. I learned so much and enjoyed getting to know some of the other participants.

The conference was absolutely amazing!! I would add that every single comment I heard was so positive, including some very lengthy post-event discussions with the attendees who rode with us to the Denver airport.

I was thrilled to receive your invitation…I would be delighted to attend the Judicial College.  It looks like it will be an amazing event.